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2nd International Workshop on Liver and Gut Fibrosis, 26-27 October 2023 in Valencia

The 2nd International Workshop on Liver and Gut Fibrosis will take place in Valencia, Spain, on 26-27 October 2023. Organized by the University of Valencia, sponsored by CIBEREHD and FISABIO, and endorsed by major international (EASL, ECCO) and Spanish societies in the field, the workshop is an initiative to bring together basic scientists and clinical experts to share their perspectives about these medical conditions, which constitute a global health problem.

The programme will focus on the molecular mechanisms involved in the different types of fibrosis, particularly that found in the gut and liver, with an emphasis on aspects that are common to different organs. In this way, the workshop aims to explore avenues that might lead to an improvement of current therapies and the discovery of new pharmacological approaches.

The event, to be held at ADEIT-Fundació Universitat-Empresa de València, is aimed at clinicians and basic/translational researchers from universities and research institutes, as well as professionals working in hospitals and health services (resident doctors, medical students and nurses). Registration is now open and abstracts can be submitted until 15th July. For more information, consult the website. https://congreso.adeituv.es/fibrosisvalencia2023/ https://twitter.com/pharmacologyvlc https://www.facebook.com/farmacologiavalenciauv

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