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SAGIM “Hot topics in neurogastroenterology and mobility 10th November 2023, Tivoli Congress Center

Hot topics in neurogastroenterology and motility
The meeting is held at Tivoli Congress Center the 10th November 2023, Arni Magnussons Gade 2,
1577 Copenhagen, close to the center of Copenhagen and the central train station

08.45 Coffee
09.00 Welcome Asbjørn Mohr Drewes, SAGIM President

Session I How to lose weight without exercise?
09.10 Maduscha Peiras. Luminally derived mediators of weight control
09.30 Peter Funch-Jensen. Bariatric surgery in 2023
09.50 Tina Vilsbøll. Medical therapy for overweight
10.10 Dag Arne Lihaug Hoff: Lifestyle modifications for weight loss
10.30 Bodil Olsson: Posters in the spotlight
11.00 Break and exhibition

Session II Immune mediated diseases and complications
11.30 Clive Wilder-Smith. Immune-mediated gastrointestinal disorders
11.50 Lars Vinter-Jensen: Management of gut dysfunction with parenteral nutrition
12.10 Jakob Benedict Seidelin: Checkpoint inhibitor-induced gastrointestinal
12.30 Lunch and poster exhibition

Session III Motility and IBS
13.30 Dan Dumitrașcu: Geographic differences in IBS
13.55 Sofieke de Jonge: Assessment of motility using MRI
14:15 Donghua Liao: Advanced data analysis in EndoFLIP measurements
14.30 Break and exhibition

Session IV Miscellaneous from the GI tract
15.00 Doc Matters: Mette Winter Klinge
15.10 Lotte Fynne: Case on anorexia and dysmotility
15.20 Jari Punkkinen: Multidisciplinary treatment of rumination – patient case
15.30 SAGIM general assembly
15.45 Adjourn

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